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how to do a prog slog

Started by sheridan, 22 May, 2015, 09:15:28 PM

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Four things were published this day, but my blog post on the last of them won't get published until Monday, so here are the first two - the weekly comics:

2000AD Prog 82: Alien Roots
Girls read 2000AD (but only Irish girls for some reason).  Gavara tries to overthrow the rulers!  Spikes and Tweak make a deal!

Star Lord No 19: Mek-Quake kill 99% of all known robots!
Tilman gets naked with Ardeni!  Hammerstein vs Mek-Quake!  A protagonist drawn by Ian Gibson keeps away from his blonde-haired niece to protect her!

On Monday I'll post the links to the two annuals (or you can do the wordpress subscribe thing and get sent an email at the time they're published).

p.s. last Sunday I was a week ahead, with posts prepped and scheduled for publication up to this Sunday coming.  Now it's Saturday and the latest post I have scheduled is for Monday - dreading the 1980 annuals - there's four of them, and none of them will be all that great!


The 1979 annuals!

2000AD Annual 1979
Wodpress predicts it will take you 11 minutes to read this one...
Reprints of comics your parents read when they were your age!  Your favourite characters, by creative teams who have never been near them before!  Even more reprints of comics your parents read!

Dan Dare Annual 1979 – Destroy that starcarrier or the whole galaxy will be enslaved!
Reprints of old comics!  Unfamiliar teams on familiar characters!  Plus the added bonus of lots of articles about the near future (the past now - and it was highly inaccurate)!  Stock images!  14 minutes if you read at the approved Wordpress reading speed!


I think a lot of the Invasion episodes were other war stories re-purposed, there's one in a later annual where Bill uses an assault rifle instead of a shotgun. SHOCKING!

Good work with these annuals, for Space Spinner they're about the same size as our average number of progs, but they're way longer than one prog at a time!
2000 AD recap podcast, from the beginning!
Check out the show here! Or on iTunes, Google Play, or your preferred podcast app!

Dark Jimbo

I salute your dedication - can't believe you actually read all those articles...!


Quote from: Dark Jimbo on 13 August, 2019, 09:53:48 AM
I salute your dedication - can't believe you actually read all those articles...!

What can I say - I'm stubborn!  Though I have managed to learn to ditch boring books in favour of the ones that actually interest me (only took me about twenty or thirty years for that one).


Quote from: sheridan on 13 August, 2019, 11:47:42 AM
Quote from: Dark Jimbo on 13 August, 2019, 09:53:48 AM
I salute your dedication - can't believe you actually read all those articles...!

What can I say - I'm stubborn!  Though I have managed to learn to ditch boring books in favour of the ones that actually interest me (only took me about twenty or thirty years for that one).

That is - learnt to stop reading books I've started once I work out they're not going to get any better...


After the annuals, back to normal!

2000AD Prog 83: Stomm! Now the DEAD are rising to challenge the law! Dredd vs- the Legion of the Damned!
Allegations of stealing ideas for thrills rear their ugly heads!  Smokin' Joe is in sight!  The lights of MC2 are also in sight!

Star Lord No 20: Washington – the hub of the United States and... The most frightened city on Earth!
Mind Wars passes the Bechdel-Wallace Test - the first time in 2000AD/Starlord's history?


2000AD Prog 84: Ant Wars rages on! "For they shall inherit the Earth." H.G. Wells
Great news, readers!  ...and you know what that means for a British comic!  No sooner does Slade find Smokin' Joe than he takes a break.  Cliffhanger - Dredd, Tweak and Spikes defending against the mek army and one must die!  And then another one will go missing!  Cliffhanger - Villa is in the lair of the ant queens and sees something!

Star Lord No 21: Guardian of the Dark Star!
Cliffhanger - is Ardeni dead?  Cliffhanger - bad guys are in control of Ro-Busters and Miss Marilyn gets threatened!  Cliffhanger - Johnny and Wulf have to defuse the ultimate weapon!  Cliffhanger - Hunter is surrounded by alien zombies!

Lobo Baggins

Quote from: sheridan on 16 August, 2019, 01:17:01 PM
2000AD Prog 84: Ant Wars rages on! "For they shall inherit the Earth." H.G. Wells
Great news, readers!  ...and you know what that means for a British comic!  No sooner does Slade find Smokin' Joe than he takes a break.  Cliffhanger - Dredd, Tweak and Spikes defending against the mek army and one must die!  And then another one will go missing!  Cliffhanger - Villa is in the lair of the ant queens and sees something!

Star Lord No 21: Guardian of the Dark Star!
Cliffhanger - is Ardeni dead?  Cliffhanger - bad guys are in control of Ro-Busters and Miss Marilyn gets threatened!  Cliffhanger - Johnny and Wulf have to defuse the ultimate weapon!  Cliffhanger - Hunter is surrounded by alien zombies!

I think maybe that the merger has disrupted the credits - I'm absolutely certain that isn't Mike White on Mind Wars, but those zombies in the otherwise uncredited Holocaust definately look like his work, even if the colour two page spread appears to be by someone else entirely. And the credit given to TB Grover for the Cursed Earth episodes may just be a way of balancing the books, as Pat Mills was given the writing credit for the first part of Burger Wars even though he didn't write it (Dredd's Last Stand is credited to Pat Mills on every reprint I've got access too, though).

That letter from those two kids at boarding school is absolutely heartbreaking, and the language is probably the most dated thing ever printed in Star Lord. It's look looking at a different planet. What are 'lead joints', anyway...?
The wages of sin are death, but the hours are good and the perks are fantastic.


Quote from: Lobo Baggins on 16 August, 2019, 02:18:54 PM
I think maybe that the merger has disrupted the credits - I'm absolutely certain that isn't Mike White on Mind Wars, but those zombies in the otherwise uncredited Holocaust definately look like his work, even if the colour two page spread appears to be by someone else entirely. And the credit given to TB Grover for the Cursed Earth episodes may just be a way of balancing the books, as Pat Mills was given the writing credit for the first part of Burger Wars even though he didn't write it (Dredd's Last Stand is credited to Pat Mills on every reprint I've got access too, though).

Yeah, Mind Wars is, as ever, drawn by Jesus Redondo.  (As ever apart from that one episode that has a shared credit with Ian Gibson.)  Not entirely convinced by the Mike White theory - next time I come across his work (in my chronological reading) I'll try to remember to dig out this episode, compare and contrast.  As for the balancing - everyone knows Wagner and Grant took turns taking credit, though I've not heard of the same for Wagner and Mills before.  I'm holding off reading Thrill-Power Overload (the old version), The Mighty One and Be Pure, Be Vigilant, Behave until I get to their release dates.

QuoteThat letter from those two kids at boarding school is absolutely heartbreaking, and the language is probably the most dated thing ever printed in Star Lord. It's look looking at a different planet. What are 'lead joints', anyway...?

No idea - I did some investigating and only found webpages on soldering pipes.  Then I added the 'd' word and only found "lead joint co-ordinators".  I wonder what every day language we use now will be considered pejorative  in another forty years? 

Today's post is 2000AD Prog 85: This Cursed Earth will not break me I am the law I am Dredd... Judge Dredd! Don't dare miss the thrilling climax to the Cursed Earth in this power packed prog!!! Plus Important news for all readers inside!

The last prog of 2000AD to be published for a year * features:

  • the last episode of Dan Dare, The Doomsday Machine
  • a Future-Shock
  • the last episode of The Cursed Earth
  • the last episode of Ant Wars
  • another Future-Shock (sure sign of clearing the decks for a jumping-on prog!)
Tomorrow - the last Star Lord (not counting a summer special and a few annuals).  The day after tomorrow - is a film about cold weather, but also will see the first 2000AD and Starlord!

* because the next week sees 2000AD and Starlord, which runs for a year, until 2000AD and Tornado takes over, which itself runs for a year until another jumping-on prog.

Lobo Baggins

Quote from: sheridan on 17 August, 2019, 08:37:06 PM
Yeah, Mind Wars is, as ever, drawn by Jesus Redondo.  (As ever apart from that one episode that has a shared credit with Ian Gibson.)  Not entirely convinced by the Mike White theory - next time I come across his work (in my chronological reading) I'll try to remember to dig out this episode, compare and contrast.  As for the balancing - everyone knows Wagner and Grant took turns taking credit, though I've not heard of the same for Wagner and Mills before.  I'm holding off reading Thrill-Power Overload (the old version), The Mighty One and Be Pure, Be Vigilant, Behave until I get to their release dates.

For some reason, the first four fourth Doctor comic strips from Doctor Who Weekly are credited to both Pat Mills and John Wagner, even though they didn't actually colaborate on them  - 'The Iron Legion' and 'The Star Beast' are credited to 'Mills and Wagner' even though they were written by Pat Mills, and 'City of the Damned' and 'The Dogs of Doom' are credited to 'Wagner and Mills' even though they were by John  Wagner on his own. No one seems to remember why they did it that way, though...
The wages of sin are death, but the hours are good and the perks are fantastic.


Ha, beat me to it with the dr who stuff.

Enjoying the Starlord reviews - I haven't read the collected Mind Wars floppies yet, but I hadn't realised just how often Ardeni gets naked!


The last Starlord!

Star Lord No 22: Starlord's ship is waiting to carry him... Beyond the Stars! See inside!

Hurried endings to clear the decks for a merger, to varying degrees of success...

Plus I ramble a bit about Starlord as a whole.


Quote from: Dandontdare on 18 August, 2019, 12:34:25 PM
Enjoying the Starlord reviews - I haven't read the collected Mind Wars floppies yet, but I hadn't realised just how often Ardeni gets naked!

My work here is done.

Funt Solo

Enjoying the in depth reviews, but mostly just reading rather than responding. Starlord I never read but was aware of peripherally as the McKenzie boys up at the farm had some when I was a kid.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.