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win a weekend with Bou'..Tharg ! your last chance!

Started by Queen Firey-Bou, 28 April, 2003, 04:05:45 PM

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Queen Firey-Bou

sorry rac, end of mays no good, the prize is THis weekend yes 4 days from now.">

Richmond Clements

God damn you, God damn you all to hell!!!

I suppose there's no point in me washing now...

Aaron Smurf Murphy

Hmm...Just found this thread. How very odd. Very odd indeed...

Ah well, i'm spoken for and proud but I have to admit a lotta people have responded to this jazz ain't they? Ho hum and all that jazz.

Finnigan Sinister

Queen Firey-Bou

whats really odd is that Tharg has entered into correspondance, & i have to admit, his answers are damn good... but there seems to be some boarders doubting the authenticity of his stalking me. mmmmm its gonna be a tough choice, a nice familiar boarder or the omnipotent & everso flattering Tharg .

must admit i never thought my attention grabbing plans would actually work. its all getting wierder & wierder just who will be spending the weekend with me....

lets just wait & seeeeeeeeee

Queen Firey-Bou

well strangely enough Tharg hasn't put his answers up here, he says he's keeping his correspondance from the droids, but i feel its not a valid competition entry unless the answers are on the thread; heres what Tharg mailed me from his secret hotmail account. Its going to be a close competition innit !

>a) what kind of primate should NOT be seen in public in headwear?

Back on Quaxxann we have a law, which forbids any Smiling Chukwalla from
promenading through any town whilst wearing anything on their heads, which
is about as close as you come on my home planet of a primate wearing
If we are talking about on Earth, from the advice of my droids, I'd say a
chimpanzee, as I never did understand those tea commercials, although the
Morrison and Millar droids always found them amusing. It may be an old earth
custom to dress this higher order of primate in Earthlett's clothing and
take part in 'tea parties' but in the Betelgeuse system it such an activity
would get you a sentence in the time stretcher.
One of my initial responses was to have been the Mills droid, as he has
steadily regressed over the years. As a reader you may have noticed that his
scripts had become more unintelligible as he became more in tune with the
Earth Goddess, and there's no way he should ever leave the command module in
any kind of headwear.

>b) in no more than 50 words... "i should win a chance to light Bou's
>beltain fires because....."

This could be the harder than having to write the input page when Burt used
to lose them around the Nerve Centre.
During the holiday that you Earthlett's call Christmas the droids decided
that they wanted to use their two hours annual holiday to go to an oil bar
and kick back with a few Castrol GTX's, or for the more sophisticated droid
a 3in1. The particular establishment that we went to had a strange Earthlett
ceremony called Karaoke going on and during the evening I was encouraged by
the droids to join in. Apparently the particular song I had to sing was by a
great Karaoke exponent called Gloria Gaynor, and so remembering that
evening, especially having to throw most of the droids onto the back of
Mek-Quake to take them back to the Nerve Centre, the words of that song came
back to me and seemed most appropriate.
So my answer in 50 words follows...

"Now if you feel that you can't go on
Because all your hope is gone
And your life is filled with confusion
And happiness is just an illusion
And your world around is tumblin' down
Darling, reach out
Reach out, for me.

I'll be there to love and confort you."


Might Queen Bou,
sorry you maj,I've been away changing hooses and place of work so I missed this great offer, story of my life.

Bad news for you, Edinburgh Cooncil have banned the Beltane fire orgy on Calton Hill tonight. Due to the risk of,

 wait for it,


So If you were thinking of coming here for your dirty weekend, think again, mind you, if a girl wins the compo, I'm happy to let you have my spare room, just don't knock over the video camera.


ps is it to late to enter? Oh-eer
DDT did a job on me

Queen Firey-Bou

pah typical of the cooncil.
 But Edinburgh ? nayyyy sir ! i'll be heading down to auld reekie. ahem. mebbe bump into you if youre over that way. look for two people with cheesy grins on faces. ;)


I'm afraid I must withdraw my entry.

I have a previous engagement this weekend which means wearing black leather, polishing my helmet and going for a ride.

Stop sniggering at the back there Mr. Karne. I'm watching you as well Mr DiGriz. Wipe that smirk off your face.


Anytime your passing, I will be the dapper chap with the rolled-up Times and a red carnation, possibly clothes as well.

DDT did a job on me

Queen Firey-Bou

and the winner is.................

drum roll drum rollllll

tumm de tummmm

well its down to a short list of 2 actually... Tharg and......................

ah what the hell, I'll tell ye later. i'm off to pack my bag. ha ha hee hee tra la la.


There's now a poll for those who think they know who's won.

I personally think Tharg is going to come out tops, though.


Tharg won't be able to stoke your furnace like I can, and I've bought a strap-on hose specially.>


Mal, you've got to post a pic of that...

the Huffster
DDT did a job on me

Queen Firey-Bou

oh yeah thanks for the poll wils, i'm now like rilly embarased !

publicity stunt?
oh yeah ...mutter mutter... wha ha ha win a weekend with me .... all entrants must purchase minumum amounts of BALNACRA POTTERY tm...

 I'll have no cynicism around here ! I'm too happy, cos i get to meet ar... My brain ! aieeeeeee ! kkkkkxxxt*ghtt*kkkkk aiegggg stop stop  you fiend.......*!...*fkk*... stoppit !


"Mal, you've got to post a pic of that..."

With me wearing it?